Wed. morning June 18 - Sat. night, June 21, 2025
Kansas City Airport Hilton Hotel
8801 NW 112th Street
Kansas City, MO
You can
(Alter the reservation page's dates to suit your needs.)
Call the Holiday Inn: (888) 446-6677
(Don't call the Holiday Inn's 1-800 number; operators
may not have the correct, up-to-date information.)
To register in advance:
Download your reunion registration form and send it to the Treasurer. with your payment.
Call NMA Treasurer Stephanie Rowland at 410-353-5967 and arrange to pay by credit card.
You may also register at the reunion.
Advance registration is a great help in planning. If registering in advance, please do sos before June 6. Mail received after this date may not reach the Treasurer before she has closed the books, traveled to Kansas City, and reopened for business.