The NMA has been holding reunions long enough for traditions to evolve. These are not intended to be exclusive; rather, they are designed to include all NMA members in the social and musical experience of an NMA reunion.
1) Only members of the NMA may play in our musical ensembles.
Playing in NMA bands is central to the camaraderie we enjoy. Many reunion attendees travel great distances at a considerable sacrifice to take advantage of this important privilege of membership.
2) The rehearsal conductor will provide dance band players the opportunity to rotate on and off the bandstand.
Dance band rehearsals consist of two kinds of player: those on the bandstand and those waiting for a turn to play. Be respectful so all may have playing time.
3) During jam sessions in the lounge, horn players should maintain a small, perhaps three-man front line. Please play a few tunes and then call for someone to replace you.
Our jam sessions bring out the best in us; sometimes they bring out all of us. Crowding the bandstand creates interminable tunes and a worn-out, unhappy rhythm section. Tunes will go by faster with a three-horn lineup. After you’ve played a few numbers, you might want to keep your axe at the ready--before you know it, you may be called back to play again!